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Yeshu was God’s Son and a wonderful teacher and a powerful miracle worker.
And of all the people who ever lived, Yeshu alone never sinned.
He alone never deserved to be punished for sin.
So many people loved Yeshu!
However, some religious leaders were jealous of Yeshu.
They arrested him, put him on trial and decided to kill Him.
They placed Yeshu on a large cross.
They nailed His hands and feet to the cross.
As He hung on the cross, Yeshu’ precious blood dripped down to the ground.
He cried out, “It is finished!”
Yeshu became the perfect and final sacrifice.
God loves us and allowed Yeshu to die on the cross in our place.
Yeshu bore the punishment of all of our sins.
Only through the shedding of blood can our sins be forgiven.
Someone had to pay for our sins.
After Yeshu died that day, His friends took his body and placed it in a secure tomb.
However this story doesn’t end here.
On the third day after this, Yeshu rose from the dead and spent many days showing people that He was alive again!
He proved that He is the Son of God.
Then He returned to His Father in heaven.
Yeshu took our punishment and now provides a way for us to come back to God!
Only He can show us the way back to God!