Only Yeshu can bring us back to God.
To go back to God, you must admit to God that you have sinned against Him.
You must believe that Yeshu died in your place to take your punishment
and ask God to forgive you.
You must put your trust in Yeshu only to bring you back and give you eternal life as God’s child.
From that point on, you must obey Yeshu as your new Master.

The Bible says:
“For God so loved the people of the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

You may go to God as the young man did when he returned to his father, saying something like this:
“God, I know you love me.
I have sinned against you, and I am sorry.
I believe and trust in Yeshu as the perfect sacrifice to take my punishment.
God please forgive me.
I agree to joyfully obey Yeshu as my Master from this moment on.
Thank you for my new and eternal life as your child.”

Why don’t you call out to him right now?

If you truly called out to God, you are now God’s child forever!
God wants you to let others know that you are His child.
God’s plan is not only to bring you back to Him but to bring back your family and friends through you so that their relationship with God and one another may be restored.

Whom do you know who needs to hear this story?

“God I know that you love me.

I have sinned against you and I want to be forgiven.

I believe that Sadguru Yeshu took my punishment through His perfect sacrifice.

God please forgive me.

I accept Sadguru Yeshu as my Swami and commit to following his commands from now always.

Thank you for my new and eternal life as your child.”

Did you pray this prayer?

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