Know Sadguru Yeshu
Hear the story of the Yeshu Granth learn and about the life of Sadguru Yeshu.
21 Days of Yeshu Bhakti
In order to experience what it is like to be a Yeshu bhakt
it is necessary to learn about Prabhu Yeshu. Each day
read one of the stories from his life below and meditate
on it by answering the following questions in a notebook:
1) What does this say about Prabhu Yeshu?
2) What does this say about me/humanity?
The passages containing the stories can be found beginning
on the page number listed. Spend some time thinking about
the answers to the questions. Then, sit silently and meditate
on what you have learned, asking Prabhu Yeshu to show
you how to apply it. Finally, pray the following prayer:
Bhagwan, you are all powerful. You created all things. I worship
you. I admit to you that I have disobeyed you and committed paap.
Because of that, I need your forgiveness. Thank you for sending
Muktidata Yeshu to suffer and give up his life to take away my
paap. And thank you for bringing him back to life so that he can
give life to others. Help me to trust and follow Prabhu Yeshu.
Help me to practice true bhakti. I pray to you by the power of
Prabhu Yeshu. Tatastu.
“Asatoma sad gamaya. Tamasoma jyotir gamaya. Mrityorma amritam gamaya.”
(Lead me from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.)
Jn 1:1-18 (p. 1) Jn 8:1-12 (19) Jn 15:1-17 (37)
Jn 2:12-25 (4) Jn 9:1-41 (22) Jn 16:5-33 (38)
Jn 3:1-21 (5) Jn 10:1-21 (24) Jn 17:1-19 (40)
Jn 4:4-42 (9) Jn 11:1-43 (26) Jn 18:1-40 (41)
Jn 5:1-18 (10) Jn 12:1-11 (29) Jn 19:1-42 (44)
Jn 6:1-15 (12) Jn 13:1-17 (32) Jn 20:1-31 (47)
Jn 7:37-53 (18) Jn 14:1-14 (35) Jn 21:1-25 (49)