Over time, the number of people on earth increased.
Even though each of them sinned, God still loved them very much and wanted them to have a relationship with Him.
God gave ten commandments to the people through one of His servants.
Remember God is perfect and holy, so we must be perfect and holy to live with him.
The Ten Commandments taught people how to live right with God and each other.
Some of the commands were:
do not worship other gods
or make idols;
honor your parents;
do not lie,
don’t desire the things other people have,
or commit adultery.
However, no one was able to obey all of these commands.

Each time they sinned, God allowed them to confess their sins and offer a sacrifice to take their place of punishment.
This sacrifice was shedding the blood of a perfect animal.
As they offered the sacrifice, they would ask God to forgive them and let the animal die in their place.
Only by the shedding of blood can a person’s sin be forgiven.

However, as time went by their hearts were no longer sorry for their sins.
Instead their sacrifices just became.. empty rituals.
God said: “I’ve had enough of your empty sacrifices!”
Through the keeping of rules and sacrificing of animals, people realized that they were unable to come back to God on their own.
What could be done?